PLEASE NOTE: This schedule is subject to change. The most up-to-date schedule will always be posted on blackboard and the class website.

The Synthetic Image
Week 1
In-class activity, On-Campus Field Trip

Week 2
Workshop: Library (9 am)
Demo: Photoshop
In Class Activity:  Digi-Exquisite Corpse 
Reading Due: Faking It: 150 Years of Visual Manipulation Before Photoshop, Maria Popov.

Watch videos. (see SYNTHETIC IMAGE PAGE for details). Take good notes!

After watching the videos, begin working on your project. Next week we will have in-progress meetings where you will show me what you did, how you are doing it, and what you want to do in the next two weeks. Remember to save your file often, and back it up. Your final image must contain elements from at least three sources: 1) digital image from a physical book/object that you made, 2) an image from a digital database, and 3) an image from your personal archive.

Week 3
Lecture: Artists and Photographic Composites
Studio Day: Share in progress work, work on your projects
Homework: Continue working on your project.  Read: Allen Sekula,The Body and The Archive (available under readings)

Week 4
Reading Due: Allen Sekula,The Body and The Archive
Studio Day: One-on-one meetings
Homework: Prepare your project for critique. 

Week 5
Critiques: Assignment 1: The Synthetic Image
  • Homework: 
    • READ: William Burroughs, “The Cut Up Method”.
    • EXPLORE: Elisa Kreisinger, 
    • ASSIGNMENT: PAPER EDIT FOR MOVING SOUND AND IMAGE.  Details on the Cut-Up/ Mas-UP page. 

The Cut-Up/Mash-Up
Week 6 
Readings Due: 
Elisa Kreisinger,
William Burroughs, “The Cut Up Method”
Homework Assignment Due:
Paper Edit for Moving Sound and Image

Demo: Adobe Premiere
Lecture: Collage, Montage, and Politics

Homework: videos, work on your project. 

Week 7: October 7
Reading Due: Hannah Hoch and Photomontage, Kristin Makholm
In class screening: Sonic Outlaws, 1995,by Craig Baldwin
Studio Day: One-on-one meetings

Week 8: October 14
Studio Day: One-on-one meetings

Week 9: October 21
Critiques: Assignment 2: The Mash Up/ Cut Up

Week 10: October 28
Critiques: Assignment 2: The Mash Up/ Cut Up

Artist Presentations
Week 11: November 4
Artist Presentations

Week 12: November 11
Artist Presentations

The Three Shot Movie
Week 13
Reading Due: The Essence of Story, James Bonnett
Lecture: Three Act Structure
Demo: Cameras

Week 14
Reading Due: The Long Take, Pier Paolo Pasolini
Screening: Nine Lives, Written and Directed by Rodrigo Garcia
Studio Day: One-on-one meetings


Week 15 Critiques: Assignment 3: Three Shot Movie

Week 16 Critiques: Assignment 3: Three Shot Movie

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